Since coming back from our trip to Ethiopia, I sense an even greater need to speak for the children who are not heard. While trying to be cautious to not sound judgmental, some things I just cannot remain silent about.
Yesterday while listening to an Orioles preseason game, the broadcasters began to share some personal things about Yankee slugger Alex "Aroid" Rodriguez. They said he got a real sweet deal on a condo in Manhatten because of the economic slump we are in. The sweet deal he got came in the form of $30,000 a month rent for this condo! How sweet indeed. SIKE!!
Don't get me wrong, I am still pro-American. I am still pro-free enterprise and the American dream, etc. My point in this blog is this. $30,000 a month would support 1,000 orphan children fighting for survival in Ethiopia. 1,000! I just hope there is a place in the heart of the "Aroids" of this world to go beyond themselves and their extravagant lifestyles to make a difference in cultures where they have very little hope to succeed or survive.
If you want a real sweet deal and want to make a difference in the life of a child for just $32/month, check out
How we spend our resouces (time, money, attention etc.) says a lot about our character and our witness. Unfortunately the voices of children are drowned out among the competing clamor of life. Investing in the lives of our children as well as those abroad, priceless. talk on.