Monday, February 9, 2009


This past Sunday Quest Community Church was honored to have a pastor from Haiti speak to us. Pastor Christian Altidor spoke of his church of 1500 people and his school that struggles to meet the financial demands. his country has been devastated by hurricanes over the last few years with thousands losing everything they had.

But the thing that struck me so much was his personal story he shared that was truly a testimony of faithfulness.

In a poor country surrounded by the darkness and evil of voodoo and witchcraft, he has been faithful to his wife for 52 years. She is now blind and paralyzed from diabetes. He has 7 children ad 22 grandchildren. Yet he lives on a monthly salary that most of us make in a few days in the states.

He has also been faithful in ministry since 1952! He said to me "God always provides."

The American church can learn a lot from stories like that of Christian Altidor. It's not about the numbers or the programs, it's about being faithful to what God has called you to do. The harvest is up to God. It's about being faithful to the spouse that God has given you and to the family God has blessed you with.

I thank God for my wife of almost 30 years and my 3 sons that I am blessed with. And I thank God for the flock of families God has asked me to shepherd at Quest.

How about you? Does Christian's story challenge you? How faithful are you?

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Altidor is a man of God who has been working very had to bring the gospel of God in one the poorest slum of haiti, Lafosette.these people really need help.They don't have access to the basics social services that all human being should benefit.Pastor Altidor needs your prayers and your financial help to continue this mission.We compt on you brothers and sisters.
